I welcome you all once again, for making out your time to visit my blog. I know its not that too easy, You can learn a lot of things here without you paying a dime. My work here in this blog is to make sure that i keep you all productive in life, and nothing more!!!. so fill free to come at anytime and have your tutorials here free of charge. Now i will show and teach you all on HOW TO PRODUCE BALM OR RUB. hmm!!! interesting  below is all you need to know on how you can produce and also market them.

  1. 5 liters of paraffin oil (pure White or colored).
  2. 3kg of petroleum jelly.
  3. 8 tablets paraffin wax grade c.
  4. 2 tablets of camphor.
  5. 1 liter of pepper mint oil.
Heat a pot on fire and put paraffin oil inside it, when it dissolved also add petroleum jelly and and wax to melt. Continue to stir until the desired texture is attained. Now bring the pot down from the fire to for about 2minutes, then add menthol crystal and pour into container to congeal. After that test it in your body and see how it will be.